Our Core Values

The conceptual framework of Innovative Recruitment is constructed on our code of conduct & staying true to our core values that are Trust, Transparency, Integrity and Well-being. 

  • Trust: we at Innovative Recruitment define trust as an essential core value, the belief and confidence in the integrity, reliability and fairness of the individuals or an organisation. 

            This truly is the foundation of managing our business operations & professional relationship with internal and external stake holders.

  • Transparency: we encourage open communication and believe in building & promoting the culture of openness and fair-play. Transparency nurtures a credible ecosystem in organisations and society. It strengthens relationships and creates an environment of cross functional collaboration and mutual trust to achieve solid results.
  • Integrity: 99% of time we know in our heart what is right and wrong. Integrity is doing the right thing, when no one is watching or asking us to do so. It demands being true to ourselves and live in accordance to our deepest moral values, being honest with others, and always keep our word, no matter what it takes. Team Innovative Recruitment is always committed to do what’s right.  

  • Well-being & Giving back to community:  We consider it a moral obligation being a responsible organisation to give back to the community, taking good care of the planet and people around us. Either by donating time, random act of kindness, becoming a helping hand, planting trees, preaching and practicing sustainable business practices, empowering the underprivileged individuals or segments of society to contribute making the world a better place, always keeping in mind our slogan of “Build Better Future” by our continuous deliberate efforts.